Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Under pressure

I've been thin my whole life so when I was pregnant there were times I cried cause I didn't like my body. It went through so many changes, of course weight gain and unfortunately I did earn my "stripes." I gained 30 lbs and I don't even wanna count how many stretch marks! Although I have seen worse.

Here I am three months later I've lost about 20 lbs, I think I'm doing good. Well I feel like that most of the time anyways. There's always a pressure to be thin and I worried about it. Not so much were I'd do unhealthy things. I would just watch what and how much I ate followed with regular exercise. I feel a new kind of pressure now however. Thanks to Hollywood women are expected to be back to their normal pre baby bodies in a flash! For most of us this is not realistic. I'm gonna break this down my way. Wendy Williams would say the Wendy way, so I'm doing this the April way.

Let's take a look at my fellow Texas girl Jessica Simpson. She has been criticized up and down lately about her weight. Now I have to say this, she did go overboard gaining 80 lbs with her daughter. However she knows this and she's working on it. It took her 9 months to gain 80 lbs people stop expecting it to go away in a flash! Calm way down folks! She's doing her thing with weight watchers, she'll get there. Not everyone is like Heidi Klum or Kelly Rippa who can pop em out and be a size two the next day.

The difference between real women and celebrities:

1.) They're rich! They can afford nutritionist and personal trainers and even chefs to cook for them. You don't have to be rich to make healthy choices don't get me wrong but they have people that make sure they do all the time.

2.) How many celebs do you think actually breastfeed? I'm guessing not many. It's a commitment and its time consuming. The way most of these women bounce back tells me that they're probably not. Yes it does help you lose weight and burn calories but you can only safely lose at most 2 lbs a week. More than that can jeopardize your milk supply. Counting calories is out too cause you need the extra calories for your supply. I know that there aren't a lot of women who breastfeed period but I'm sure there's more regular women who do then celebs.

3.) Now this kind of goes back to the money thing and doesn't really have to do with weight but the other factor of pregnancy. Stretch Marks! Most real women get them and most of us cant afford the laser surgery to get them removed! I look at mine from time to time and just hate them! I see these thin women who have had three or four children and they're still perfect not one stretch mark! Ones like Victoria Beckham and Tori Spelling. Don't get me wrong so women just get lucky. My sister in law was. She claims to have one stretch mark but I don't see it! Lol. Anyways the reason these women don't is cause they can get them removed. While we suffer and try a million creams! Unfortunately the only real way to get rid of them is surgery.

I don't like it when I feel like I hate my body. Pregnancy and motherhood are a beautiful natural experience. (Sometimes I swear these women pop out babies to show the world how fast they can lose the weight! ) I have to tell myself all the time it took 9 months to gain it, it's only been three months, you can do this. I just want to be a size 4 again. I know I'll probably never look like Heidi Klum but to be fair she is like a foot taller than me lol. I will be comfortable again in my own skin.

In conclusion there's no need for this pressure! Every women and every pregnancy is different. Stop being so quick to judge! This is why there's so many eating disorders in the world! It's not even just post pregnancy bodies that are judged but every body. So what Lady Gaga put on some weight! She's probably no bigger than a size 8! Calm down! To all the real women remember just that, you are a real woman! Not a conformed cookie cutter woman, but a real woman!

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